فارسی عربي


Iran doc to be screened at Sweden filmfest

Iranian documentary ‘A157’ is to be screened at the 34th edition of BUFF Film Festival in Sweden.

The 73-minute film is scheduled to be displayed in the second day of the event.

Directed by Behrouz Nouranipour, ‘A157’ is a shocking documentary about the horrors of war and terrorism in Syria, particularly inflicted on women and children.

The documentary has participated in many international festivals and won many awards, including the Special Jury Award at the ninth edition of Iran’s 2015 Cinema Verite in Tehran and an honorary diploma at the full-length documentary section of International Shahid Avini Award.

Since 1984, BUFF Film Festival has been the most important screenings venues for films for children and young people in the Nordic countries, the official website of the festival wrote.

BUFF is an exceptional film festival, because it is for everyone. Some are watching their very first movie in a cinema at BUFF.

Some are screening their first feature film for the toughest and most honest critics, namely children. Some are inspired to tell stories with moving images themselves.

